The Cool People List
If you are on this list than you are cool.
If you aren't on this list, I probably forgot to put you here...
...or i just don't like you :(
Also there is no significance to the order of this list. It's all completely random.
- Ivory: there is a schmorbo in your walls
- Boxy: tim sweeney
- Emma: tim sweeney
- Daniela: Mow mrow mroewm emow meow meow
- Rolobi: We should talk more.
- Verse: Adachi cake.
- Kitano: joe.
- Chao: borfk borfk.
- Kirby: Accept my compliments and admit that your art is good, damn it!
- Grif: ^ You too buddy.
- Tur0: ^ You three
- Nekki: I'm pissing on the moon.
- Wispy: moki.
- Pork: nice >:]
- Clover: Tony used to be stuff.
- Cahloosh: yes
- 18: Clubhouse Games 51 Worldwide Classics for the Nintendo Switch.
- Thomas: Mobius enthusiast.
- Essem: get real
- Jules: ps2
- You: The person reading this.